Sluts Why Do Most Guys Go For Sluts, As Appose To Decent Girls?

Why do most guys go for sluts, as appose to decent girls? - sluts

I wondered how a high school student who sees everything. Porki'm not ugly, was depressed. It was normal and just curious about this ...? How could they, like the hot type, not the most popular school before the school sluts slobber place to Nice girls ... decent? Leave ur thoughts, or whatever the topic would be appreciated .. This question has always bugged.


John Leonhart said...

Cuz juvenile hormones, are men, and they want to get sexual favors easily with no compromises.

I know it is something bad, and the guys are thinking decent control of their hormones and not a thing

I have never been friends with such people in high school.
Although I have been a decent guy, I've never had a girl interested in me. Therefore, I remained a virgin in highschool

GiBBZ said...

These guys are obviously not interested in a real relationship, he only wants greater commitment free sex

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