Real Flight G2 Version 2.00.723 Patch Is Microsoft Flight Simulator X On Complete Real Settings Harder Than Actually Flying?

Is microsoft flight simulator X on complete real settings harder than actually flying? - real flight g2 version 2.00.723 patch

I refer to a single-engine Cessna. I've flown a real plane and then Flight Simulator X in a real situation and is more difficult in Flight Simulator X.


Trainman said...

The first 3 answers are correct and cover all bases.
Except that everyone forgets that if you have an accident in a Cessna true that you have a real problem. If you have an accident in a Cessna on MS Flight X can always start again and try again, without penalty or cost.

Do you play any other games? This can be difficult. The shooters can be much more difficult than shooting in real life. How many have tried to kill monsters lately?

So with all that in mind, I always think of a real flying airplane is difficult, because the consequences of failure.

Rob G said...

It is a difficult question. If they do all the things in the real world, you have to care in general as ATC, traffic, weather, safety, etc., and only really compare with a real plane in front of a simulator, a simulator is generally more difficult to steal. Simulators are usually unstable and you lose the seat of the pants feeling you get in a real airplane. This is one reason why many drivers Actual hate simulators ... It is difficult to drive and feel nothing like the real thing. This plan is particularly true in a plane like a Cessna, which is very stable and easy to drive. So I think that flight simulators are so valuable to learn to fly using instruments. They are difficult to fly and you need a tool for quick analysis. They also teach that "less is more" when it comes to control of the inputs.

I found that's true in everything, what is MS Flight Simulator to use full-motion simulators for the airlines.

Techwing said...

It is certainly difficult in some respects. If you have come to sit on visual signals and the movement of the aircraft to fly to, it is not unusual when you fly under visual flight rules, their absence in the flight simulator, it may be difficult for you. If you regularly fly IFR visbility poor in real life, the simulator can be made easier because you (all the benefits of the aircraft by instruments, a full suite of tools that works yet), but some drawbacks (movement of the aircraft, which could cause disorientation ).

From what I saw and heard, VFR pilots may find the SIM card is harder than real life, the pilot IFR, it can easier. This may be due to the fact that the SIM card is better simulate the flight instruments flight.

Alloy Boy said...

I have X-Plane is a little harder in the sense that it is "sense" controls. Do I only have the flight simulator and was once the same way. Complication acrobatic maneuvers in the SIM card in real life, I guess it is how they were programmed. But as far as the theft of another material that you have to worry about, such as traffic, weather, fuel, etc. his demanding much more in real life. If an accident should have in a game that is started on a route. It was restarted in real life.

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