Buy Playset Blueprints What Wood For Outdoor Playset In Northern Ontario, Treated Or Cedar?

What wood for outdoor playset in northern Ontario, treated or cedar? - buy playset blueprints

I want a toy for the garden of a house in a tree, what you are buying the benefits outweigh the disadvantages of the treatment against the cedar?


BeachBum... said...

Go with the cedar. Bugs infest the habit of oils and their work in the elements. In addition, your safe. Cedar shingles are used outside of homes to protect against weather and insects.

Treated wood is full of chemicals, some of these chemicals are highly carcinogenic. I wouldnt want to play children in the region. If you should work with her to wear gloves.

Children do not need on wood, that "ll the chemicals in your hand and rubbing his eyes or biting your fingernails or eating without washing suck. Who's not to say that a splinter group, the" ll act essentially as a free needle goes into the skin. And there are termites and beetles in the North ... two parasites of wood.

Thepoosy... said...

ok .... First, the advantages of both .... Cedar is primarily because their natural insect repellent. Bugs dont like it. The benefits of treated wood is that there are elements much better than untreated wood is increasing. There is nothing wrong with the treated wood in the measurement of chemicals, unless your child to be ..... sucks wood or eat, or something very unlikely. As a man who loves the woods and has half of my life, treated lumber for its pourpose recommend. Since you live in Northern Ontario, you face the cold temprature year. People in your area who deal with the insects that eat the wood, as I have to do in Florida. They are faced with extreme weather conditions. So the right choice for you will be treated wood. It takes much longer than cedar. Do not worry, it is toxic. Make sure your kids do not really eat the treated wood, and it will go.

G-Ram said...

If you choose the playground long contracts, but if you have a less of a danger, then select the cedar. Personally, I would with cedar wood.

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